Create compelling reports for viewing and interaction via portals, wireless devices and Microsoft Office documents. C rystal Reports delivers tools for tightly integrating dynamic content from virtually any data source into Web and Windows applications. Productivity Tools. Crystal Reports 10 includes tools for faster report development. 9/10 (8 votes) - Download SAP Crystal Reports Viewer Free. Download SAP Crystal Reports Viewer free of charge, a viewer for reports in RPT format. SAP Crystal Reports Viewer is compatible with several databases. In the professional and business field, reports are the perfect instrument to study.
I run into this problem when using IE11. The screenshot is as below:
I've tried to disable the 'Enhanced Protected Mode' in IE but it still does not work. I did not have this problem when using IE9, but since now for some reason I can not install back IE9, I have to use this version of IE. Any suggestion?
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ0072 Answers
This is how I finally resolve this issue. This issue is caused by IE11 running on 64-bit mode so the ActiveX control does not work. So I have to force IE to run in 32-bit mode by adding the registry key as mentioned in this link. After that, it can load the report normally.
I required a slight modification to the above.
IE 11,Tools,Internet Options,Security,Trusted Sites,Sites,Add the site into the List,Close,Ensure that 'Enabled Protected Mode' is Unchecked.
OKRestart IE.