Vha Manual M 1

Vha manual m-1 part i chapter 18

The provisions of this manual are applicable to all elements ofthe DoD. The term 'DoD Components', as used herein, refers to theMilitary Departments and Defense Agencies.
This manual specifies the items to be demilitarized, designatesthe key points to be destroyed and prescribes methods foraccomplishmenotf demilitarization.
Request for exceptions or additions to the demilitarizationrequirements contained in this manual will be forwarded throughappropriate Military Service/Defense Agency channels to theAssistant Secretary of Defense (Production and Logistics) (ASD PL)on a case-by-case basis. Full justification will accompany eachrequest.
Unless otherwise stated, this manual is not applicable to:
a. The disposition of nuclear ordinance pursuant toS ection 81of the Atomic Energy Acto f 1954 (42 USC 21 11).
b. Items under management control of the Defense Nuclear Agencyin Federal Supply Group (FSG) 11, also all Department of Energy(DOE) special design and quality controlled items and all DoD itemsdesigned specifically for use on or with nuclear weapons(identified by manufacturers' codes 57991, 67991, 77991, and 87991in the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC) Total Item Record(TIR) will be processed in accordance with Technical Publications,Supply Management of Nuclear Weapons Material, DoE-DNA TP 100-1,Navy SWOP1 00-1, Army TM 39-100-1 and Air ForceT .O. 11N-100-1.
c. Cryptologic Material. This material will be processed inaccordance with NACSI 2001 (FOUO) and NSA circular 60-5(C).
Vha Manual M 1

Va M21 1 Manual

Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Supply Schedule Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order, are available through GSA Advantage!, a menu-driven database system.