I having an issue when adding a new system recording .wav file (Admin > System Recordings). When I click on the Submit button. I got this dialog:
The System Recordings module allows you to create and name recordings that can be selected in any module that supports the playing of recordings. Among others, the IVR module, Announcements module, Follow Me module, Queues module, and Ring Groups module contain options to select a recording. Below is the storage limitation for different PBX models. For TF/SD card, we recommend that you use a high-performance one. Choose storage location. Call recording files can't be saved in Local, so we need to choose a proper external storage location. Path: Settings System Storage. Recording Setting. Path: Settings PBX. FreePBX: 10.13.66-12/ISO install Asterisk: 13.12.2 asterisk-addons: Latest Users reported not being able to see/download on demand recordings from the UCP. The calls are however being recorded.
So i look at the Console to get more details:
This is what I have tried but cannot find out the solution:
- The file /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl is 100% exists.
- Asterisk is running and working by make a call test.
- AMI is running by telnet to port 5038 for testing.
- service asterisk restart , systemctl restart httpd.service , reboot, re-install Recording module ... does not help.
update:I got the same issue when uploading file at Settings > Music On Hold.
Is this issue related to IPTables? Do I need to any rules to IPtables for this to work?
1 Answer
Finally, I got an answer from here and it works:https://community.freepbx.org/t/unable-to-connect-to-remote-asterisk/1620/2
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FreePBX: 10.13.66-12/ISO install
Asterisk: 13.12.2
asterisk-addons: Latest
Users reported not being able to see/download on demand recordings from the UCP. The calls are however being recorded, /var/spool/asterisk/monitor is full of files, files that should have been moved to the appropriate date directories.e.g. 2016/12/15.I have setup a Post Call Recording Script that is set in FreePBX, this also doesn't run. It is simply to see if it ever gets called, appends to a file.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 120364 Dec 15 17:20 1481858418.2722.wav
Freepbx System Recordings Location Download
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 147884 Dec 16 10:02 1481918523.4964.wav
The top file permissions were changed after running fwconsole chown
. This leads me to think that asterisk doesn't have the correct permissions.
This is the breakdown of the debug log for MixMonitor
I have tried changing permissions, re-installing the asterisk-addons, and many other things. Any ideas out there?
miken322 Answers
Freepbx System Recordings Location Windows 10
Answering my own question.
This is an issue with digium phones and freepbx. Digium uses their own technique to record and save calls. https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/DIGIUM/Phone+Features+by+Environment
There is a solution to have the calls show up in the CDR and User Portal, but involves changes to the system. Use at you own risk.
Create an executable script belonging to the asterisk user, I keep mine in the asterisk user home directory.
The next step is what watches the recordings directory for any files that have been written.
As the asterisk user edit incrontab
add the following with the location and name of the above script
This is based on a pretty generic FreePBX setup. There may be a nicer way to do this, but this has been working for me.
Correct solution - write file in place where it should be, i.e it to 2016/12/15
It is impossible guess what you dooing wrong(no scripts provided, config etc), but i can suggest you have selinux or permission issue.